Mindful Eating Support
for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

Pre Surgery Support

Preparing for a safe bariatric surgery includes losing weight to shrink fatty liver and working towards 15” uninterrupted walking daily to prevent blood clots. It is also crucial to identify emotional eating habits because surgery only changes the anatomy, not the mind! I have spent the past 18 years working with pre and post op patients supporting them through the following topics:

1.) Addressing emotional eating.

2.) Understanding that vitamins and mineral supplementation are required for life.

3.) Following the post surgery meal plan to maintain long term weight loss.

4.) Avoiding alcohol, nicotine and THC to protect the bariatric stomach.

5.) Shrinking fatty liver through pre-surgery weight loss to lower the risk of surgery complications.

6.) Managing relationship to self, food and others as key to long term success.

7.) Diagnosing and treating sleep apnea before surgery to lower the risk of complications during the procedure.

8.) Identifying support and accountability as key factors to long term success.

9.) Avoiding pregnancy the first 18 – 24 months after the procedure.

10.) Committing post surgery to 60 minutes of daily activity to counter the body’s lowered metabolism.

Post Surgery Support

The first year after surgery is called the “honeymoon period” where the most weight loss occurs and people report an absence of stomach hunger, preference for healthy foods and lack of desire for their former eating habits. But by year two many people relapse.

Don’t worry. Once we identify the relapse triggers and cultivate a Self-care Mindset we can “re-set your pouch” and get back on track!

Are you experiencing: 

1.)  Hunger has returned and you’re experimenting with favorite foods again.

2.)  Your portion sizes have increased.

3.) You’ve slipped off the exercise routine.

4.) You’re grazing rather than eating meals.

5.) You’re not tracking your food.

6.)  You’ve stopped weighing yourself weekly.

7.) Regain has happened.

8.)  You’re drinking alcohol.

9.) You’ve developed another coping tool like shopping or smoking.

10.) You’re experiencing dumping syndrome?

Please contact me for pre or post surgery support


COACHING Live (via Zoom) Cost

50 minute session $100

30 minute session $60

15 minute session $30


Thursday 12 – 1 PT “office hours” Live (via Zoom)

Monthly Mindful Meal 5:30 – 6:30 pm PT Live (via Zoom)

Access to all Level 1 & 2 Videos, Audios & Practice Guides